(In progress)
An injury to my back many year ago set me on the path leading to where I am today. I feel down my front steps and thought I was uninjured until sciatica emerged several days later. The result was a ruptured disk and two bulging disks causing intense sciatica. Fortunately physical therapy alleviated the acute symptoms. After 10 weeks of pain and therapy and almost surgery, i was functional. I made a promise to myself that I would take better care of my back and enrolled in Tai Chi I with Baltimore Tai Chi. I do not recall what year that was and it doesn’t matter. What matters is I had not idea how exercise to make my back better would radically change my life. Fast-forward to today (at least 17 years later) I am a yoga teacher and more important a seeker trying to understand myself and my calling in the world.
I am a purpose driven person. If I am not working on or towards something.